Rotational Molded Coolers and Other Outdoor Gear
Built for the great outdoors. Built to last.
Your outdoor products have to be ready for anything: wind, rain, and rugged conditions. Dutchland manufactures heavy duty plastic outdoor products that are built to stand up to anything; even, in some cases, bears. We work with our clients to create some of the toughest rotomolded outdoor gear imaginable — built to withstand anything Mother Nature can throw at it. Dutchland crafts your outdoor products using the highest quality plastic on the market. Then we customize your products with mold-in graphics, colors, textures, foam filling and more.Outdoor Products Capabilities
- Products manufactured from polyethylene, flexible PVC, Nylon, EVA and more
- Robotic and CNC trimming
- Mold-in Graphics
- High Volume Molding and Foaming
- Dedicated Assembly and Packaging Teams
Explore Food & Beverage Plastic Products



Anything they can do, we can do better.
Thinking about having your product made using blow molding, injection molding or thermoforming? Think again! Rotational molding, rotomolding for short, is a highly customizable, cost-effective plastics manufacturing process that delivers comparable results to those other molding techniques, but is ultimately more versatile. Dutchland can make pieces those other companies can’t.